Vote Common Sense

Returning San Francisco to its former glory.


The Reality

San Francisco is a picturesque city with some of the most iconic landmarks in the world. A place that continues to draw folks from all walks of life, with a passion and excitement of chasing a dream. It started with the gold rush and has evolved into making science fiction a reality. No city in the world has made an impact on society quite like San Francisco.

Shahram wants to continue San Francisco's legacy and bring common sense back to the city. He believes in being proactive instead of reactive, closing the doom loop instead of perpetuating it. Everyone knows the San Francisco government system is broken. Shahram is the best candidate to pull back the curtain and expose the system with transparency. He can do this because he is not corrupt. He is using his own savings to campaign and being careful about who he decides to work with. In addition, Shahram has come up with innovative solutions to help with housing, business, and safety which you can learn more about on the My Focus page.
Empowering San Franciscans to dream, aspire and achieve!


Provide housing options for various income levels.

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Local Business

Provide unique tax incentives, reinvent empty high rise spaces and remove bureaucratic  hurdles.

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Provide mental health services, address homelessness and increase police presence using new crisis intervention training.

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Continuously inform the public of the inner workings of the government.

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